What’s up with this network?
Resonans is an online academic network that facilitates interdisciplinary conversations, research, and exchange of information among Nordic academics working in the intersection between theology, politics, and philosophy. It came about as an idea that there was too little interaction among Nordic scholars who were working on religion and politics from a theological or philosophical perspective. We figured out that the solution was not to start a new conference or society, but to create an online plattform that would be simple, yet effective in establishing communication and hosting seminars.
What sort of academic topics are relevant?
Today, theologians, philosophers, scholars of law, historians, and scholars of religion are increasingly working on normative interdisciplinary issues in the intersection between the theological, philosophical, and political. Our intention is to be relevant to scholars in this broad field of research. Although the seminars may be oriented around certain themes and fields, the network itself seeks to promote activities of a broader scope than what is indicated in the seminars.
Why do you communicate in English?
Good question! Part of promoting exchange among Nordic scholars is also promoting good contextual research, and keep alive a regional and national academic community. This also means promoting work done in the languages used in the Nordic countries. While we have chosen English as a common language (instead of, for example, a Scandinavian language), we will welcome contributions from other languages and seek to supply translations where possible.
Can I contribute?
Yes! The network exists to facilitate interaction between scholars and we depend on contributions from you. You are welcome to attend seminars, join the reading group or let us know of news which can be shared through the blog and newsletter. If you have ideas about how we can improve or expand the network, please contact us through our contact form. Also, if you are organizing a seminar at your institution, and would consider turning it into a joint seminar with the network, do let us know!
By subscribing to the newsletter, participate in seminars, or contribute otherwise, you may consider yourself a member of the network.
Organizing members
Ragnar Misje Bergem, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Simone Kotva, The Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo
Jayne Svenungsson, Lund University
Pamela Slotte, Åbo Akademi University & University of Helsinki
Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society
Institutional affiliation
The network is hosted out of the political theology research group at MF Center for the Advanced Study of Religion (MF CASR) at the MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society in Oslo. However, it is run by members from a number of institutions, and seeks to facilitate exchange throughout the nordic countries.