A Nordic Network for Theology, Philosophy and Politics
Resonans is an online academic network that facilitates conversation, research, and exchange of information among Nordic academics working in the intersection between theology, politics and philosophy.
Resonans publishes a regular newsletter about new articles, events, and things of note from Nordic academics.
Each semester, Resonans will host an online seminar. Everybody is welcome to join us.

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Latest news
Resonans shares news about publications and other relevant information. It is not a publisher in its own right. Authors, publications, or institutions mentioned do not necessarily have a relationship with the network.
- Political Theology: The Next GenerationOngoing special issue in religions, edited by Emin Poljarevic (Uppsala). From the editorial: This Special Issue aims at presenting a range of (re)considerations and explorations of which, how, and where political theologies, internal and external to the Abrahamic traditions, can support the quest for attaining deeper understandings of the potentials in struggles to improve the… Continue reading Political Theology: The Next Generation
- ReligionshermeneutikkReligionshermeneutikk: Forståing i ei polarisert tid. New book by Øystein Brekke (OsloMet) at Universitetsforlaget. I boka Religionshermeneutikk blir lesaren invitert til å reflektera over religionar og livssyn i det offentlege rommet, religionsdidaktikk, skulefaglege grunnlagsproblem og kva det vil seia å ha kunnskapar om religionar og livssyn i våre dagar. Eit viktig utgangspunkt for boka er fagfornyinga og… Continue reading Religionshermeneutikk
- Special issue on aesthetic experience and the holyNew special issue in Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift. Metamorphosis: Chances and Risks in the Relationship between Aesthetic and Religious Experience (Jörg Lauster) Approaching the numinous is something that has forged a deep bond between art and religion in European cultural history. In the wake of Kant and Schleiermacher, the German theologian Ulrich Barth elaborates four constitutive… Continue reading Special issue on aesthetic experience and the holy
- Systematic Theology as a Rationally Justified Public Discourse about GodNew book by Michael Agerbo Mørch, published by Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht. For centuries it has been discussed whether systematic theology is a scientific discipline. But it is not obvious what is meant by either” systematic theology” or” scientific discipline”. Michael Agerbo Mørch presents an understanding of systematic theology as a tripartite discipline and science as… Continue reading Systematic Theology as a Rationally Justified Public Discourse about God
- Henrik Steffens 250 år‘Natur | Ånd. Henrik Steffens 250 år’. A one-day symposium in Oslo on 2nd May 2023. Organised by the project Ecodisturb at University of Oslo and MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. ÅPENT SYMPOSIUM: Henrik Steffens 250 år Henrik Steffens (1773-1845) er en nøkkelfigur for å forstå naturtenkningen i den romantiske perioden i Norden,… Continue reading Henrik Steffens 250 år
- Special issue on Carl SchmittSpecial issue on Carl Schmitt in Teologisk tidsskrift. 1. Oftestad, Schmitt og politisk teologi (Joar Haga, Hallgeir Elstad, Gard Granerød). 2. Introduksjon til Carl Schmitts tenkning (Rune Slagstad) The article outlines some main tenets in Schmitt’s publications. Different epochs are characterized by the broad reception in both right- and left-leaning political camps. It argues that… Continue reading Special issue on Carl Schmitt
- At the End of the World (podcast)In this podcast episode (in Swedish), Jayne Svenungsson presents the new Lund-based research program ‘At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present’ in conversation with Bo Westergaard: https://eskatologipodden.podbean.com/e/jayne-svenungsson-om-apokalyptiska-forestallningar/ The podcast series also features fascinating contributions by other scholars of the program, including Mårten Björk on politics… Continue reading At the End of the World (podcast)
- Who Will Tame the Giants? An Investigation of Principalities and Powers in the Digital AgeArticle by Lars Öberg in Scandinavian Journal for Leadership & Theology. Abstract: This article investigates tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter in the light of the Pauline concepts of principalities and powers. It is argued that as people subjugate themselves to the digital frameworks of these modern giants, the way they perceive and… Continue reading Who Will Tame the Giants? An Investigation of Principalities and Powers in the Digital Age
- The Spirit of Modernity and its FateArticle by Ragnar Misje Bergem in Modern Theology. This article presents an interpretation of the rise of theological genealogies as a response to the sense in modern theology that modernity is a fate. It suggests that theologians began to write genealogies to ease this sense that modernity is an inescapable condition. While it recognises that… Continue reading The Spirit of Modernity and its Fate