New book by Ulrik Nissen: Kærlighedens ansvar. Grundlag og områder for kristen etik. København: Eksistensen Akademisk, 2022 (published February 10th)
The Danish book outlines an understanding of Christian ethics as loving responsibility in the light of the Bible, tradition, reason and experience as its sources. In doing so, it unfolds a Christian ethics between radicalism and compromise with a call to a life formed by Christian love and a responsibility for the common good. The last half of the book reflects on what this implies with relation to current ethical issues in medical ethics, economics, migration and nature.
It is central to the book that the Christian faith and the Christian life cannot be separated from each other. Faith expresses itself in good deeds. It is this essential connection that Christian ethics reflects on and raises the question, what we can say about the life that springs from the Christian faith? One of the basic arguments of the book is that the Christian is called to bear witness to Jesus Christ and that it is the task of Christian ethics to examine how this witness can be expressed in the Christian life today.