Henrik Steffens 250 år

‘Natur | Ånd. Henrik Steffens 250 år’. A one-day symposium in Oslo on 2nd May 2023. Organised by the project Ecodisturb at University of Oslo and MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society.

ÅPENT SYMPOSIUM: Henrik Steffens 250 år

Henrik Steffens (1773-1845) er en nøkkelfigur for å forstå naturtenkningen i den romantiske perioden i Norden, som også har preget hvordan vi oppfatter naturen. Steffens var en inspirerende og grenseoverskridende tenker: geolog og filosof, teolog og dikter. Inspirert av Schellings naturfilosofi og tidlig industrialisering ønsket han å la naturen komme til orde på sine egne premisser:

«Jeg ønsket å vise hvordan naturen, ikke bare i sin helhet, men også i sine enkeltheter, kan forstås på sine egne premisser.»  

Den 2. mai inviterer UiO:Norden, MF og ECODISTURB til åpent symposium om Steffens og vår tid. Henrik Steffens ble født i Stavanger 2. mai 1773 og vokste opp med en norsk mor og tysk far. Hans tenkning og virker forbinder Norge, Danmark og Tyskland og åpner for nye refleksjoner omkring sammenhengen mellom natur og åndi en tid preget av klimakrise, akselerasjon og naturtap, en epoke som går under navnet antropocen.


0900      Fremmøte

0915      Velkommen. Hilsener

0930      Helge Jordheim: Akselerasjon og dyp tid: Steffens’ naturhistoriske øyeblikk og vårt eget

1000      Marie-Theres Federhofer: Jordas Bildungsgeschichte. Geoantropologi hos Henrik Steffens

1030      Samtale

1100      Pause

1115      Tollef Graff Hugo: Henrik Steffens om universitetets idé; Otfried CzaikaSteffens syn på lutherdomen – några anmärkningar; Jesper Lundsfryd RasmussenTotalitet og anerkendelse af naturen. En udfordring til diskussionen af det antropocæne fra Henrik Steffens

1230      Pause

1315      Thomas Hylland EriksenOveroppheting og nedkjøling – et ulykkelig ekteskap. Om tidsregimer og skalakollisjoner

1345      Marius Timmann MjaalandTo tidsaldre: Ånden, naturen og det nye mennesket

1415      Samtale

1445      Kaffe

1500      Lars Eivind AuglandNeptunsk geognosi, kjemi og oryctognosi: Steffens’ plass i en gryende geovitenskapSimone KotvaNatur och andlighet i Antropocen

1530      Samtale om Steffens og vår tid

1600      Avslutning

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Henrik Steffens 250 år

‘Henrik Steffens 250 år: NATUR | ÅND’. Conference on Henrik Steffens in Oslo 2. may.

ÅPENT SYMPOSIUM: Henrik Steffens 250 år
Henrik Steffens (1773-1845) er en nøkkelfigur for å forstå naturtenkningen i den romantiske perioden i Norden, som også har preget hvordan vi oppfatter naturen. Steffens var en inspirerende og grenseoverskridende tenker: geolog og filosof, teolog og dikter. Inspirert av Schellings naturfilosofi og tidlig industrialisering ønsket han å la naturen komme til orde på sine egne premisser:

«Jeg ønsket å vise hvordan naturen, ikke bare i sin helhet, men også i sine enkeltheter, kan forstås på sine egne premisser.»
Den 2. mai inviterer UiO:Norden, MF og ECODISTURB til åpent symposium om Steffens og vår tid. Henrik Steffens ble født i Stavanger 2. mai 1773 og vokste opp med en norsk mor og tysk far. Hans tenkning og virker forbinder Norge, Danmark og Tyskland og åpner for nye refleksjoner omkring sammenhengen mellom natur og ånd i en tid preget av klimakrise, akselerasjon og naturtap, en epoke som går under navnet antropocen.

To mark 250 years since his birth, the UiO:NORDIC project ECODISTURB are organizing a workshop on the life, work and thought of Henrik Steffens (1773-1845).

Henrik Steffens is a key thinker in the early Romantic period, drawing on Schelling’s reaction to Kantian abstraction and the early industrialization. In his Naturphilosophie (Philosophy of nature), developed from 1799 to 1810, he intends to let nature speak with its own voice, by giving expression to its self-reflection: “I wanted to show how nature, not only as a whole, but also in its particularities, can be conceived of in its own terms.”

This workshop is dedicated to thinking with Steffens today: in a time of rapidly deteriorating biomes, what resources, challenges and possibilities is thrown up by his philosophy of nature? The symposium is held in Norwegian.

Kom og hør
Helge Jordheim (Kulturhistorie, UiO)
Marie-Theres Federhofer (Tysk og kulturstudier, UiT)
Tollef Graff Hugo (Religionsfilosofi, MF)
Otfried Czaika (Kirke- og kulturhistorie, MF)
Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen (Naturhistorie, Københavns Universitet)
Thomas Hylland Eriksen (Antropologi, UiO)
Marius Timmann Mjaaland (Filosofi og teologi, UiO)
Lars Eivind Augland (Mineralogi, UiO)
Simone Kotva (Teologi og miljøetikk, UiO)

0900 Fremmøte

0915 Velkommen. Hilsener

0930 Helge Jordheim: : Akselerasjon og dyp tid: Steffens’ naturhistoriske øyeblikk og vårt eget

1000 Marie-Theres Federhofer: : Jordas Bildungsgeschichte. Geoantropologi hos Henrik Steffens

1030 Samtale

1100 Pause

1115 Tollef Graff Hugo: Henrik Steffens om universitetets idé; Otfried Czaika: Steffens syn på lutherdomen – några anmärkningar; Jesper Lundsfryd Rasmussen: Totalitet og anerkendelse af naturen. En udfordring til diskussionen af det antropocæne fra Henrik Steffens

1230 Pause

1315 Thomas Hylland Eriksen: Overoppheting og nedkjøling – et ulykkelig ekteskap. Om tidsregimer og skalakollisjoner

1345 Marius Timmann Mjaaland: To tidsaldre: Ånden, naturen og det nye mennesket

1415 Samtale

1445 Kaffe

1500 Lars Eivind Augland: Neptunsk geognosi, kjemi og oryctognosi: Steffens’ plass i en gryende geovitenskap; Simone Kotva: Natur och andlighet i Antropocen

1530 Samtale om Steffens og vår tid

1600 Avslutning

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Religion and Nature conference

Nordic Society for Philosophy of Religion conference June 5 – June 7, Oslo.

With the latest reports from UN Panels on loss of nature and biodiversity (2022) and human impact on climate change (IPCC 2021-22), the question of religion and nature is again highly topical in philosophy, theology and religious studies. Christian, indigenous and other religious responses to ontology, ethics and cosmology have received new attention and encourages scholars to reconsider their understanding of philosophy and religion in the broad sense.

The conference topic, Religion and Nature, is deliberately kept wide in order to include as many contributions as possible. It is also timely, given the present and precarious situation of the planet. We aim at accomodating as many presentations as possible, including senior scholars, PhD Students and other researchers on Postdoc and even MA level.

Call for paper: Please submit an abstract (250 words) by 15th of April to Atle O Søvik

Confirmed keynote speakers include Kevin Schilbrack (USA), Jan-Olav Henriksen (NO), Elena Kamlykova (SE), Sigridur Gudmarsdottir (IS) and Marius T. Mjaaland (NO).

There will be lectures, short papers and presentations from ongoing work. We welcome analytic as well as pragmatic and phenomenological (and possibly other) approaches. We will emphasize joint meals, good atmosphere, and possibly a discussion of how we may strengthen the field of Philosophy of Religion in the future, cooperate on PhD courses or even write an application for NordForsk or ERC.

The University of Oslo, Faculty of Theology, and MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society are hosting the conference with support from ReNEW.

Deadline for submission of proposals for paper: April 15, 2023.
Abstracts up to 250 words. Reading length 20 minutes
Program (premiminary) (pdf)
Information on accommodation possibilities will follow.
We hope to avoid a conference fee.
Preliminary Program

Monday, June 5th
Venue: Professorboligen, Central Campus, University of Oslo

1500: Registration and Welcome.
1600: Opening: Mjaaland and Henriksen
1615: Keynote I: Professor Kevin Schilbrack, Appalachian State University, US
1715: Response and plenary discussion
1830: Reception
Tuesday, June 6th.
Venue: Tøyen Hovedgård (easily accessible by the tube).

0900: Keynote II: Professor Jan-Olav Henriksen, MF: On the need to eliminate two prevailing concepts in the religious discourse on nature
0945: Response and plenary discussion
1030: Coffee break
1100: Paper session I
1230: Lunch
1330: Keynote III: Dr. Elena Kalmykova, Uppsala University: Worship of nature, worship of God: stemming from the same root and rational
1415: Response and plenary discussion
1500: Coffe break
1630: Paper Session II
1730: Group discussion on selected topics
1900: Transfer to conference dinner
1930: Conference dinner
Wednesday June 7th.
Venue: Tøyen Hovedgård

0900: Keynote IV: Prof. Sigridur Gudmarsdottir, University of Iceland: Driftwood Jesus: Theorizing Arctic Religion and Nature
0945: Response and plenary discussion
1030: Coffee break
1100: Paper session III
1230: Lunch
1330: Keynote V: Professor Marius T. Mjaaland, University of Oslo
1415: Response and plenary discussion
1500: Closing discussion: Information about ongoing research and activities. Future work and cooperation.
1600: Closing of the conference.
Jan-Olav Henriksen, Marius T. Mjaaland, Atle O. Søvik

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Lund Seminar Series on Populism and Religion

Online seminar series on populism and religion, spring 2023 (CTR, Lund University)

Into the Arms of the Far Right: The New Temptation of French Catholicism
Anne Guillard
January 25, 16h15–18h00, Swedish time [CET]
Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62152616728
Meeting ID: 621 5261 6728

For decades, the historically dominant Catholic Church in France has strongly opposed the far right. More recently, however, there have been cracks in this Catholic bastion against far-right politics. Catholic hierarchies have gradually retreated from politics, while conservative Catholic laypeople have sought to erode traditional taboos by forming a union of the rights. Meanwhile, the Rassemblement National and the new party Reconquête!, launched by Eric Zemmour, increasingly referr to Christianity in their right-wing identity politics. We will investigate these recent dynamics between Catholicism and the far-right in France.

Anne Guillard conducts post-doctoral research at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and Oxford University (United Kingdom), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. Her research focuses on the political theory of public reason and on the religious claims to integrate these claims into public reason. She holds a double doctorate in Political Theory from Sciences Po Paris (France) and in Christian Theology from the University of Geneva (Switzerland).

“Citizens from all nations”: Lumen Gentium 13 as Counterpoint to Identitarian Concepts of Religion
Franz Gmainer-Pranzel
March 22 2023, 16h15–18h00, Swedish time [CET]
Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62152616728
Meeting ID: 621 5261 6728

Chapter 13 of the dogmatic constitution on the church presents an interesting concept of catholicity. The community of the church is not a result of ethnic identity or cultural homogeneity, but instead of a specific kind of unity: the more it experiences plurality and diversity, the more it shares in a deep communion. This form of catholicity (not in a confessional, but in a structural sense) could be a model for societal and global relations, as well as a radical criticism of populistic and identity politics.

Franz Gmainer-Pranzl studied Catholic theology and philosophy in Linz, Innsbruck (Dr. theol.), and Vienna (Dr. phil.). Since 2009 he has served as professor at Salzburg University and Director of the Centre for Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions (ZTKR). His research interests are intercultural-theological epistemology, theology in Africa, and the dialogue between intercultural theology and critical development studies. He is also the editor of Salzburg interdisciplinary discourses. Gmainer-Pranzl’s recent publications include “Politics, Violence, Religion and irreconcilable Identities. The Role of the Catholic Church in the First Republic (1918–1938) in Austria” (2021), “Politische Theologie – ein Beitrag zur Gesellschafts- und Wissenschaftskritik” (2022), and “Religion in modernen Medien. Eine (selbst-)kritische theologische Analyse” (2022).

Populism and Its Four Poisonous Companions – A Theological Riposte
Antje Jackelén
May 9, 16h15–18h00, Swedish time [CEST]
Zoom: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/62152616728
Meeting ID: 621 5261 6728

In many countries throughout the world, people are drinking a dangerous cocktail of toxic ingredients all starting with the letter P: polarization, populism, protectionism, post-truth, and patriarchy. All these phenomena interact in multiple ways with religion, which calls for a theological analysis. The seminar will explore some of the resources that theology and spirituality can offer to counteract the effects of these poisonous P’s.

Antje Jackelén served as Archbishop of the Church of Sweden from 2014 to 2022. Prior to that, she was Bishop of the Diocese of Lund (2007–2014), Director of the Zygon Center for Religion and Science (2003–2007), and taught Systematic Theology/Religion and Science at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (2001–2007). Educated in Germany and Sweden, she earned her PhD in Theology from Lund University. Jackelén has published numerous books and articles in Swedish, English, and German. She holds three honorary doctorates.

About the Seminar Series
The seminar series on populism and religion focuses on the theoretical, philosophical, and theological dimensions of populism. Certain conceptions of politics – including political community, political processes, and political decision-making – characterize typical formulations of populist thought. A fundamental conviction of this seminar series is that we must investigate these conceptions if we want to engage in dialogue that goes beyond plain-sense descriptions of, or explanations for, facts, and which deeply addresses questions about how society is – and ought to be – organized. Descriptive language and references to facts cannot by themselves account for all the questions posed by society, let alone provide the answers.

We welcome to our seminars a range of intellectually interested parties, including senior and junior scholars, doctoral students, and beginners. In order to reach the broadest possible audience, the default language of our seminars is English, but occasional seminars may be hosted in Danish, French, German, Norwegian, or Swedish.

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Law, Theology & Culture Group seminars

This autumn, the Law, Theology & Culture Group seminars at Lund University will host the following seminars:

– 14 September 2022, 10:15-11:45 (Styrelserummet / Zoom): Leila Brännström (Lund), On the Juridico-political Thinking of Ayatollah Khomeini and Carl Schmitt

– 26 October 2022, 17:30-19:00 (only Zoom): Zalman Rothschild (NYU), Sovereignty, Reason, and Will: Carl Schmitt and Hasidic Legal Thought

– 10 November 2022, 16:00-17:30 (Styrelserummet / Zoom): Valentin Jeutner (Lund), Deciding without Exception: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Carl Schmitt on Sovereign Decision-Making

The Zoom link for all three talks is: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/64879806663
More information about the seminar series can be found here: https://law.lu.se/#!lawtheologyculture

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Effort and Grace book launch

Book launch of the paper back edition of Simone Kotva’s Effort and Grace. 4th may, 08:30–10:30, Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo.

I Effort and Grace utforsker forfatter Simone Kotva filosofi som «a way of life» (Hadot, Foucault) i lys av Maine de Biran og Simone Weil. Kotva kritiserer fokuset på anstrengelse og selvutvikling i moderne filosofi. Hun argumenterer for at mystikken den springer ut av, fremfor alt fokuserer på nåden.


  • Servering av kaffe og croissants fra kl. 08.30-09.00
  • Velkommen ved Marius Timmann Mjaaland kl. 09.00.
  • Kort presentasjon av boken ved Simone Kotva.
  • Filosofien som åndelig øvelse i Effort and Grace ved Ragnar Misje Bergem, postdoktor på MF vitenskapelig høyskole.
  • Mystikk, materialisme og feministisk filosofi i Effort and Grace ved Jone Salomonsen, professor ved Det teologiske fakultet, UiO.

Det blir også salg av paperback-utgaven og muligheter for signering.

Alle interesserte er hjertelig velkommen!

Boklanseringen arrangeres av forskergruppen for systematisk teologi.

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Creation and Crisis: Reopening the Scandinavian Creation Theology

Due to the conference having been postponed, it is still possible to sign up and present at the 20th Nordic Conference for Systematic Theology in Aarhus, Denmark.

Conference, Friday 17th June – Sunday 19th June 2022
Aarhus University

Conference fee:
950 DKK

Deadline for short papers: 
May 2 (already accepted proposals remain if presenters participate in the June conference)

Deadline for registration: 
May 16 (if you are already registered and will participate in the June conference, your registration may stand)

Abstract submission:
Title and abstract of 250-300 words should be submitted to Rikke Bjørn Jensen, rikkebj@cas.au.dk

Creation theology and Climate change
Creation and Vulnerability
Vulnerability and Climate Justice
A World with Corona – historical, ethical, and epistomological perspectives

Confirmed keynotes:
Niels Henrik Gregersen is Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Copenhagen, after having taught 17 years at Aarhus University. Within the field of science-and-theology, he focused on and is well known for developing theories of self-organization and information. Within the field of systematic theology, he developed the concept of Deep Incarnation in the context of a theology of creation. He is the author of seven monographs, three co-authored books, and numerous articles. His work is translated into ten languages.

Simone Kotva is Postdoc in Systematic Theology at the University of Oslo. She received her PhD from the University of Cambridge and has taught at the universities of Gothenburg and Cambridge. She works at the intersection of religion, philosophy and geopolitics, and has a special interest in French spiritualism and the relationship between mysticism’s technologies of the self and the science of techno-fixing the earth. She is the author of Effort and Grace: On the Spiritual Exercise of Philosophy (Bloomsbury, 2020) and is currently working on a second monograph, An Enquiry Concerning Nonhuman Understanding: God/s, Species, Crossings.

Panu Pihkala (b. 1979, he/his) is an adjunct professor of environmental theology (Title of Docent) at the University of Helsinki. He is currently known as a leading expert in interdisciplinary eco-anxiety research. In 2021, Pihkala was the third author in the research article “Climate anxiety in children and young people and their beliefs about government responses to climate change: a global survey”, which gained worldwide attention. Pihkala is the author of several books and he has received many awards in Finland for his work with eco-anxiety.

For further information, please contact the planning committee:

Else Marie Wiberg Pedersen, University of Aarhus (chairperson) teoewp@cas.au.dk

Christine Svinth-Værge Põder, University of Copenhagen: cpo@teol.ku.dk

Anni Maria Laato, Åbo Akademi University: Anni-Maria.Laato@abo.fi

Marius Timmann Mjaaland, University of Oslo: m.t.mjaaland@teologi.uio.no

Petra Carlsson, Stockholm School of Theology: petra.carlsson@ehs.se

Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir, University of Iceland: solanna@hi.is

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Religion in Praxis: On Ukraine with Elizabeth Shakman Hurd

25 March 2022. In the framework of the Religion in Praxis podcast special series on Ukraine, Tornike Metrevelli will be hosting prominent political scientist Elizabeth Shakman Hurd. They will delve deeper into the politics of immigration, the question of the Russian Orthodox church, and the international politics of Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine.

The event starts at 16:00 (CET).

Please join the discussion at: https://lu-se.zoom.us/j/69946476038?pwd=ZTRaQnUvcWFjQmRHajVSZWM4VEJTZz09

Read more on https://religioninpraxis.com

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From Constantine to Putin?
– The Theological Interpretations of the
Relation between Church, State and Society

One day conference in Lund, 26 April, 2022


“The relation between Church and State is the greatest subject in the history of the West” goes a quote by Swiss theologian Emil Brunner. Not only is it a question in the Western church, it could be added, but rather something all of the Christian church has been concerned with.
This year the Patristic Day at Lund University will look at both early and later interpretations of the relation between church and the rest of society. What does it mean, when it says in John 15:19 “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own.”? What is at stake in these theological debates? Is it even the same question? Are these debates relevant today?

Students and everyone else interested are invited to participate.

10.15 Welcome

10.30 Andreas Westergren, Docent | Lund University | “The Constantinian Turns: Conflicts about Constantine in Recent Research”

11.00 Simon Schmidt, Ph.D.-student | Lund University | “Eusebius’, Augustine’s and Yoder’s Interpretations of the Constantinian Shift”

11.30 Break

12.00 Katarina Pålsson, Post.doc | Lund University | ”’We are not of this world’ – Jerome about the Ascetic Life in Relation to Church and Society”

12.30 Lunch (can be bought at LUX or SOL building)
14.00 Emil Saggau, Post.doc. | Lund University | “Justinian’s Vision of Empire and Church in Light of the Fifth

Ecumenical Council”
14.30 Bent Flemming Nielsen, Professor Emeritus | University of Copenhagen | “Royal Interference in the Formation

of Denominations during the Reformation – A Case”

15.00 Coffee

15.30 Arne Rasmusson, Professor | University of Gothenburg | “Karl Barth’s Theology of Church, Nation and Peoplehood”

16.00 Davor Džalto, Professor | University College Stockholm | ”Anarchism – Political and Eschatological Perspectives”

16.30 Panel
18.00 Patristic Buffé staff dining room: C212 (open for all; requires separate sign-up on www.patristik.se)

Price: It is free to participate and does not require a sign-up; except for the evening dinner, which requires a sign-up on www.patristik.se/pd and payment at the latest Monday 18th of April.

The event is partially funded by a generous donation from Einar Hansens Forskningsfond.

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His­tor­ical, Philo­soph­ical and Theo­lo­gical Per­spect­ives on Polit­ical Vi­ol­ence conference

Hybrid conference, University of Helsinki, March 31-April 2, 2022

The His­tor­ical, Philo­soph­ical and Theo­lo­gical Per­spect­ives on Polit­ical Vi­ol­ence conference will be or­gan­ized on March 31 – April 2 2022 by the Academy of Fin­land Cen­ter of Ex­cel­lence EuroSt­orie (Fac­ulty of So­cial Sciences, University of Helsinki) in co­oper­a­tion with the Fac­ulty of Theo­logy (University of Helsinki) and the Re­li­gion, Con­flict and Dia­logue Research Cen­ter (Fac­ulty of Theo­logy, University of Helsinki).

If you wish to attend the conference in person, we would kindly ask you to fill out the conference registration form for catering purposes. The registration form can be found here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/116263/lomakkeet.html

The conference is a hybrid one with some presentations in-person (at Unioninkatu 40, Metsätalo, Hall 1) and some virtually over Zoom. The whole conference will be streamed in Zoom. You are welcome to attend the conference in person or virtually – whatever mode of attendance suits you best.

Zoom-link: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/67511986531?pwd=ZlpGUk5meWIvNWZmWWFudHNjMnRrUT09

The conference provides a multidisciplinary venue for critical appraisal of the central questions concerning political violence and aggression. The conference’s aim is to scrutinize and delineate the current discussion (academic and non-academic) on political violence by discussing its contemporary forms, character, and modes of justification, especially within the context of the development of the idea of Europe and modern European identity. What is meant by political violence and aggression? When and under which conditions is it justified? Who has the right to exercise it and against whom?

The answers to these questions vary and depend on various factors such as pre-established goals and ends, available resources and possibilities of action, historical and socio-economic context, the ideological, political, and religious-theological background of the actors. Thus, this timely topic will be approached from diverse perspectives: political sciences, history of ideas, philosophy, and theology. In addition to focusing on particular forms of political violence, the conference will pay special attention to (a) how the above questions have been addressed and answered in modern political, philosophical and theological thought, and (b) what kind of ideological currents and historical events lay at the background of such considerations. One important issue is the question of the influence of the experiences and of the political and philosophical and moral ideas arising from the aftermath of the two World Wars in the 20thCentury to the shaping of modern European political identity and conception of political violence and of its limits. The post-War era is in important ways characterized, for instance, by an ongoing intellectual and political negotiation between the practice of political violence and the liberal human rights-based morality; the proper understanding and scrutinizing of which requires multiple perspectives.

The keynote address will be given by Professor Samuel Moyn (Yale University). Professor Moyn is a leading scholar of the intellectual history of human rights and European intellectual history.


(may be subject to changes)

Thursday, March 31

10.45   Opening and Welcome

11.00–12.30  Paper Session 1

Chair: Kaius Tuori

Saarinen, Risto (University of Helsinki): Reconciliation, Tolerance, and Recognition as Modern Concepts of Conflict Resolution

Segev, Mor (University of South Florida): Aristotle and His Followers on Political Religious Persecution

Tognocchi, Martino (University of Milan): Between Intimacy and Abyss Irrepresentability: Civil War and the Concept of Enemy in Early-Modern Political Theory

14.00–15.30   Paper Session 2

Chair: Pamela Slotte

Sandelin, Marianne (University of Helsinki): A Conservative Justification for the Political Violence of the French Revolution?

Suuronen, Ville (University of Helsinki): Spinoza as an Aberration: Violence, Death and Sovereignty in Twentieth Century Political Theory”

Pankakoski, Timo (University of Helsinki): Another Language: The Relationship Between War and Politics in Ernst Jünger’s Early Political Writings (Virtual Presentation)

15.30–16.00 Coffee break

16.00–17.30   Paper Session 3

Chair: Tuukka Brunila

Zackariasson, Ulf (Uppsala University): Absoluteness Without Metaphysical Absolutes: Pragmatist and Phenomenological Perspectives on the Bonds Between Religion and Violence

Goldman, Aaron James (Lund University): Faith, Violence, and Exceptions (To Exceptions) In Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling

Sawczyński, Piotr (Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow): Exceptional Violence: Walter Benjamin, Giorgio Agamben and the Messianic Critique of Sovereignty

18.00    Conference reception

Friday, April 1

09.30–11.00 Paper Session 4

Chair: Olli-Pekka Vainio

Nyirkos, Tamás (University of Public Service, Budapest): Fratelli Tutti and the Just War Tradition: Lists vs. Theory        

Grigoriadis, Konstantinos (University of York): Can a Revolution Be Successful Without Political Violence? Benjamin Constant’s Account of Legitimacy          

Puumala, Laura (University of Turku): Sustainability, Just War and Just Peace (Virtual Presentation)                                      

11.00–11.30   Coffee break

11.30–13.00  Keynote

Chair: Panu-Matti Pöykkö

Samuel Moyn (Yale University): Leo Tolstoy’s Critique of Humane War                              

14.30–16.00   Paper Session 5

Chair: Timo Miettinen

Scheuerman, William E. (Indiana University): Goodbye to Nonviolence? (Virtual Presentation)

Tuori, Kaius (University of Helsinki): Totalitarian Violence and the Rise of Human Dignity

Pupo, Spartaco (University of Calabria): Nonviolent Political Scepticism in the First Half of the European Twentieth Century: Russell, Popper, and Oakeshott (Virtual Presentation)                                  

16.15–17.45     Paper Session 6

Chair: Marianne Sandelin

Livingston, Steven (The George Washington University): The Role of Christian Nationalism in Nancy Bermeo’s Notion of “Distancing Failure”

Vainio, Olli-Pekka (University of Helsinki): On (Not) Breaking the Wheel of Violence: The Case of Herbert Marcuse

Rakhmanin, Aleksei (University of Helsinki): Albert Camus’ Political Antitheodicy                                

Saturday, April 2

12.30–13.30   Paper Session 7

Chair: Ari-Elmeri Hyvönen

Kasa, Tuija (University of Helsinki): Human Rights Education and Political Violence: Addressing Dehumanization and Social Injustices in the Context of Human Rights Education 

Tacik, Przemysław (Jagiellonian University in Kraków): Violence in Self-Determination Conflicts: Exploring the Zone of Exception in International Law and Human Rights

13.30–14.00 Coffee Break

14.00–15.00 Paper Session 8

Chair: Panu-Matti Pöykkö

Tammi, Iida-Maria (University of Helsinki): Humanitarian Security in Armed Conflict: How Law Is Used to Legitimate Political Violence Against Aid Workers in Syria (Virtual Presentation)

Barker, Chris (The American University in Cairo): Political Violence in British India (Virtual Presentation)

15.00            Conclusion

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